Mighty Meeples – Week 11 and Recap.

I know what you thought.  You thought after last time when I got the last character I needed to complete the set, that would be the end of my Mighty Meepling.

But what about those last two lonely packs I mentioned last time?  I bought them this week while at the store.  Here is what I got.

Now why did I go back and buy these? Partly for curiosity and partly so I could give you all a breakdown of how many of each were in the gravity feed. Here we go:

  1. Batman – 4
  2. Wonder Woman – 3
  3. Superman – 4
  4. Joker – 3
  5. Harley Quinn – 3
  6. The Flash – 3
  7. Supergirl – 3
  8. Green Arrow – 2
  9. Deathstroke – 2
  10. Catwoman – 3
  11. Green Lantern – 3
  12. Cyborg – 3
  13. Aquaman – 3
  14. Black Manta – 3
  15. Reverse Flash – 3
  16. Sinestro – 2
  17. The Penguin -1
  18. Martian Manhunter – 2
  19. Firestorm – 2
  20. Mr. Freeze – 2
  21. Robin – 2
  22. Poison Ivy – 2
  23. Cheetah – 2
  24. Lex Luthor – 2
  25. Deadshot – 2
  26. Killer Croc – 1
  27. Hawkman – 1
  28. Hawkgirl – 1
  29. Bizarro – 1
  30. Batgirl – 1

Some of the above were easy to remember because I only ever got 1.  In general, there seem to be 3 if common, 2 if uncommon and 1 if rare.  Penguin seems to have been an oddity at just 1. It is cool that it looks like if you buy the whole box you can get the whole set (although definitely not guaranteed).

I’m still not sure what I am going to do with them long term.  At 3$ per pack, they came to 1$ each which made them something fun which became slightly obsessive.  My son has taken some of the duplicates, while others have been slowly migrating to my desk at work.

I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into Mighty Meeples.

Filed under: Toys


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