Who, me? Little ole' Miley? Why yes, I do think my new haircut is THE BOMB.
Some people might think this photo of Miley Cyrus was her caught mid-hand gesture. But not us! We're so tuned in to Miley's psyche, that we know exactly what she's doing, which is stopping for a moment of self-reflection. Or, if you're looking for hard quotes, it probably went something like this: "Me? Why yes, I do still look PHENOMENAL with this pixie cut.” And we couldn't agree more.
If you've been M.I.A. from the world lately, we'll remind you that in between being really excited about her upcoming nuptials with stunning fiancé Liam Hemsworth, Miley went HAM on her hair and cut it all off! Obviously, we totally DIE for Miley's new pixie cut, so if she wants to take a moment to appreciate her killer new do, then we'll take one with her. (Please pause now for a moment of silence/appreciation.)
Photo credit: Pacific Coast News