4 Reasons Why Taylor Swift And Harry Styles Should Stay Together

Please don't break up, Haylor!

I've been hearing some rumors, guys. The #SADZ-inducing kind. Can you imagine my despair when the Internet told me that Taylor Swift and One Direction's Harry Styles, otherwise known as Haylor, had reportedly broken up?? Page Six was all like, after a "blow-up" fight on the their vacation in the British Virgin Islands, Taylor cut her visit short with a boat ride back to the airport. But it seems like just yesterday the fans of Haylor were going bananas over Haylor's romantic strolls in the park, their new year's kiss, and their adorable karaoke dates. Of course after reading the reports, I sunk into a sudden Haylor-related depression and will be spending the rest of the day watching Kate Hudson movies with a tub of ketchup-covered Udon (don't ask).

Now, obviously another breakup could net Taylor an entire record deal's worth of material. But, being a fool for love, I feel compelled to beg Taylor and Harry to reconsider their options before they break up for good. Here's why Taylor Swift and Harry Styles should stay together!

1.) Harry and Taylor are at the top of their game: You can't hate on a power couple. (Like, how can you not idolize Beyonce and Jay-Z? I, for one, have Photoshopped them into many of my family photos, and I don't care who knows.) Taylor's still totally milking her Red album sales and her emotionally fragile "I Knew You Were Trouble" video (which is supposedly about Harry). Harry, on the other hand, just helped release One Direction's "Kiss You" video, an endearingly silly clip which should only further solidify 1D's place in the annals of boy band history, probably right next to BSB and *NSYNC. Haylor = PERFECT POP POWER COUPLE. Sure, Taylor's got a thing for the younger men (Taylor's 23, Harry's 18), which we'll admit, doesn't exactly bode well for longevity, but these guys are on exactly the same level career wise. They're swimming in the most pristine, elite waters of the dating pool, while all of the rest of the mere mortals are gasping for breath in the tainted sea of regularness. Harry and Taylor, you have NO business dipping a toe in that ish!

2.) Their happy couple photos give us hope that true love exists: Don't tell me your rotten little heart wasn't at least a little warmed after viewing Haylor frolic together. Over the course of their short-lived relationship, we saw Taylor and Harry taking picturesque strolls through NYC's Central Park (which conveniently included little kids AND adorable zoo animals), going on British vacations, holding hands, making out in public, and generally being too kwewt 4 lyfe. As bloggers, our role is to be cynical nine times out of 10, but gazing at Haylor's sappy-romantic photos was like re-watching "Titanic" -- we know we shouldn't be enjoying this, but WE ARE.

See more reasons why Taylor Swift and Harry Styles CANNOT break up after the jump!

3.) "Dirty Dancing" IN REAL LIFE: The day we saw Harry Styles lovingly lift Taylor Swift into the air like Patrick Swayze lifted Jennifer Grey in "Dirty Dancing" was an internet moment for the history (e-)books. Whenever I imagine a "good guy," I conjure the image of Johnny Castle saying "nobody puts Baby in a corner." Except that NEVER happens IRL. UNLESS YOU'RE TAYLOR SWIFT! We all want "Dirty Dancing" moments, but we have since resigned ourselves to the fact that our boyfriends probably can't lift us into the air. Who's going to reenact our "Dirty Dancing" fantasies if not Haylor? (Guess we'll have to settle for Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone?)

4.) Taylor effing deserves a break: Hasn't Taylor Swift experienced enough heartache? Sure, she may have informally hinted that "I Knew You Were Trouble" was about Harry, so theoretically she should've had some foresight. And sure, she's professed her tendency to fall hard and fast, but all I want here is to give Taylor a break. Clearly, she wants to be in a relationship, and Lord knows she's a catch. After watching the bulk of her previous paramours crumble, we're ready to see Taylor drive off into the sunset already. Hopefully Harry will shake all that cute hair out of his eyes and see it too. #SAVEHAYLOR!

Photo credit: Splash News

Filed under: Music


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