65 Movie Review – More Family Drama Than Wild Dinosaur Adventure

Based solely on the trailers, I went into 65 thinking it was going to be an epic time travel tale with dinosaurs as the main antagonists. What I ended up getting was a fairly traditional, if not hollow, adventure with a focus more on family than on giant space lizards, which is unfortunate.

The movie starts 65 million years ago on Solaris, a planet similar to Earth. Though we see nothing more than the beach, the people look like humans. Mills (Adam Driver) is a father who leaves his wife and daughter for two years to take on a special project that will pay him extra--money that will go to his ailing daughter's hospital bills. We are not privy to what that special project is, but it involves Mills flying a spaceship full of cryopods to another planet. During the flight, his spaceship is hit by an asteroid and crashes on an uncharted planet (Earth). Mills is the only survivor until he discovers Koa (Ariana Greenblatt), a nine-year-old girl who survived in the cryopod. She doesn't speak English, her parents are dead, and they have to find the other half of their spaceship, which has the escape module. So there's your story.

A fairly rote adventure flick follows, with Mills and Koa trying to escape Earth before the asteroid that eradicates the dinosaurs hits the planet. Along the way, Koa has to learn to trust Mills; Mills has to learn to open his heart to Koa; and the pair must dodge dinosaurs and treacherous terrain. The plot is thin and is ultimately little more than a logline. There is no surprise plot device halfway through, nor is there a twist ending. It tells you what it is up front, and delivers exactly that.

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