AFi’s “Ask Matty” Mattel Q&A Answers for December 15th, 2012

MattyAFiLogoTwice a month the gang from Mattel are kind enough to answer five questions from AFi readers.  The Mattel marketing and PR team, have replied with the answers to our latest round of questions that AFi readers have posted in our forums.  There will not be a posting of answers on January 1st as Mattel will still be closed during that time.

Here is our latest round of questions and their answers:


Q1.  The Batman Legacy figures and Batman Arkham City Legacy figures had different styles of card art even though they shipped together. Will the same be true for DC Comics Unlimited figures and the Injustice figures, shipping together but with different card art styles?

A1.  Our Packaging team loves creating special packaging art to celebrate themes within our product lines.  Our plan is to celebrate the Injustice game with unique packaging, just like we did for the Arkham City Legacy figures.


Q2.  How come you neglected your DCUC fans on your recent cyber monday flash sale? 8 flash figures went up throughout the day all 8 were MOTU related is that the only license you’re focusing on? Should fans of other licenses go somewhere else?

A2.  It was just a matter of not having inventory of any DC items. In no way was this a slight to the brand!


Q3.  What happened to the subscriber bonus for Ghostbusters?!?

A3.  It is a Glow in the Dark Slimer will ship out before the end of 2012 to all 2012 GB sub holders (whom had sub canceled).


Q4.  Why isn’t the retail line giving us easy fan demanded, team building A listers like light blue Superman, SP Wonder Woman, SP Batman, SA Bizarro, 70s Supergirl, Balent Catwoman, E-2 Robin(both looks), E-2 Superman, E-2 Wonder Woman, GA Scarecrow, ventriloquist & scarface, Hook Hand Aquaman etc instead of the Injustice video game figures and nu52 characters

A4.  Those are all great suggestions for characters!  There are so many characters from which to choose.  Hopefully some of your favorites will end up on shelf!


Q5.  Will the 6 inch Toy Story line continue in 2013? If so, will we see new characters? It was a nice surprise to get Slinky Dog in that line a few months ago when we hadn’t had a new character in 2 years.

A5.  While we are not ready to comment on 2013 plans, there will be significant newness to our basic figure line along with new characters and variants.  Stay tuned!


If you’d like to ask a question for the  January 15th submission then feel free to post your questions in our Mattel Q&A question submissions thread!   Remember they can be about any Mattel product including MOTUC, Ghostbusters, WWE, any of the Mattel DC lines, Voltron and Cars. Twice a month we draw our submission question directly from the ones that AFi readers post.

You can submit new questions in this thread.

And you can discuss the answers on our Mattel board.

Thanks again to the team at Mattel for taking time to answer our questions!

Filed under: Toys


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