Backstreet Boys did LMFAO back in 2005.
Hello, everyone. Pardon me if I sound mildly off my game right now. It's just that I am FREAKING out over the reality that is the above still photo of the Backstreet Boys. As you can see, all five of these incredible men once dressed up like some awe-inspiring hybrid of '80s hair metal, a Richard Simmons workout video and an LMFAO publicity photo shoot. And the result is quite possibly the most stunning image I've seen in all my years on Planet Earth.
To poke fun at their pals LMFAO -- and prove that they were the original party rockers -- the Backstreet Boys posted the archival photo to their Facebook wall and wrote: "LMFAO, sorry for party rocking!" Uh, no need to be sorry boys --- you've just made 2012 my favorite year ever. And of course, now would be the time to point out that Nick Carter is wearing a studded thong over black pants!!! Great work.
In case you're not the editor of the Backstreet Boys-apedia like I am, I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that this photo looks like it was taken on the set of their incredible 2005 video "Just Want You To Know." But we're praying that this might all be foreshadowing a "Just Want You To Know" video sequel! And in other news, PLEASE GOD LET THERE BE A VIDEO SEQUEL. Kthanksbai.

Photo credit: Backstreet Boys