Batman the Animated Series has come to Heroclix!

I’ve written about Heroclix before for AFI. There are a number of sites which have already done articles about this set. This time I want to focus on a question asked by a friend on Facebook. How do I get these (wonderful toys)?

Heroclix sets are blind boxed in packs of 5. The expected price for a box is 13$. There is a rarity scheme which causes blind purchases to make it likely you will get duplicates if you buy in heavily. So, what are your options?

Let’s start with what is in the set. Batman the Animated Series set of Heroclix includes a variety of Batman allies and enemies sculpted and pre painted in the style of that show. It also includes characters from Batman Beyond and the Justice League Animated series’s. There are multiple versions of popular characters like Batman, Robin, Joker, Poison Ivy. Finally, there are pieces from the Super-Friends.

Mad Hatter

Mad Hatter from Batman Animated

J-Man from Batman Beyond

J-Man from Batman Beyond

Green Lantern from Justice League

Green Lantern from Justice League

There are 16 commons, 16 uncommons, 16 rares, 14 super rares and 12 chases. Normally most themes are spread across most of the rarities while there is one theme which unites the chases. This time it is the Super-Friends which make up the theme of the chases. A typical booster of 5 pieces includes 2 commons, 1 uncommon, 1 rare and 1 of anything. Batman appears at each level while other characters appear between 1 and 3 times.  There is also a starter set, featuring Batman, Robin, 4 villains and everything you need to play the game.

Batman Animated HeroClix Starter Set

Batman Animated HeroClix Starter Set

So how do you get them? One booster at a time from your local gaming and / comic store or places like FYE may be OK for some, but there are other options. You can pick individual pieces from the secondary market via auctions sites or gaming sites. Cool Stuff Inc and Troll and Toad have helped me out greatly over the years filling in holes in my collection.  One piece I want to mention specifically is the Hawkman Hawkgirl duo figure.  If you look on the image of the back of the card, you can see a note where it was designed by the Team World Champions.  At the top level of play, they have events where you enter as a team.  The winners get to participate in designing a piece for the game.  This is one of those pieces.

Hawkman Hawkgirl Duo Figure

Hawkman Hawkgirl Duo Figure

Another option is to grab most of the set but not all. Secondary sellers on Ebay often put together a set of all commons, all uncommons, and rares (pieces numbering 01 to 48). I have acquired a number of “CUR” sets from various sellers there for approximately 50$ roughly 2 weeks after a set releases.

It really depends what you want. If you realy want that really rare piece and hope you can get it for the cost of a booster or two, then go for the boosters. For this set, I bought a brick, 10 boosters factory wrapped together. My shop gave a 20% discount for buying in this volume. The final reason is that enough stories of people opening these have stated that buying a 10 pack got them a chase piece.  I was lucky enough to pull a chase at our pre-release event last week.

Super-Friends Wonder Woman Chase

Super-Friends Wonder Woman Chase

For the last week, prices on the secondary market have been pretty high on this set in general because it just came out and was only available by playing in a pre elease event.  Prices should be dropping this week as the set released Wednesday and more product is now available.  Usually a handful of pieces will rise in price as players figure out which ones work best, but overall, they should go down from where they are now.

If you have any specific questions, please post below and I will try to answer to the best of my ability.

Filed under: Toys


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