BioWare Producer Shows Off New Dragon Age 4 Concept Art

BioWare has been in fairly dire straits for a while now, after the very public failure of their online shooter Anthem and the departure of several key staff, including general manager Casey Hudson. That said, the developer is still working on a new Dragon Age game--which is seemingly titled simply Dragon Age--and a producer at the company shared some concept art to indicate that it's still in the pipe.

Dragon Age is one of the most-acclaimed fantasy RPG series of all time, with legions of fans baying for any update on the game. Another BioWare staffer provided a similar update on the game's development six months ago. However, BioWare courted a certain degree of controversy when they announced a new Mass Effect game at The Game Awards.

While many would be happy to play a new Mass Effect, fans can't help but wonder how the studio can work on new games in their two most beloved franchises when they're still ostensibly working on a "reboot" for Anthem that they've termed Anthem Next. Last year, producer Christian Dailey indicated that a "small team" is working on the project, and that it would end up being a "long process." Another update showed how the game's Javelins will change in the Next update.

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