Justin Bieber reveals 'Boyfriend''s June 19 release date on 'The Voice.'
+ Justin Bieber premiered another clip of "Boyfriend" on last night's "The Voice," and he revealed his album, Believe, will be released June 19. Mark your calendars! (MTV News)
+ The Wanted also stopped by "The Voice" to perform their new single, "Chasing The Sun." (Neon Limelight)
+ While the Biebs was breaking news on one show, his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, hit the stage of another. Watch her performance of "Hit The Lights" during "Dancing With The Stars." (Neon Limelight)
+ Carly Rae Jepsen's added another pop star to her fanbase. Check out Katy Perry and friends doing their own lip-synching to "Call Me Maybe." (Idolator)
+ Miley Cyrus can get clumsy in the kitchen, just like us. She apparently sliced her finger (ouch!) in a blender -- no details on how that worked, but she got some stitches and is doing just fine. (MTV News)
+ The Shins released a Live From The Lot EP, which they recorded during SXSW. One of the songs from the EP, "The Rifle's Spiral," is available for free download. (Pitchfork)
+ Drummer Levon Helm, known for his drumming skills in The Band, is in the final stages of a decade-long battle with cancer. "Please send your prayers and love to him as he makes his way through this part of his journey," his daughter Amy wrote on his website. (Billboard)
Photo credit: Darren Tieste/CPi