CoD: Modern Warfare 2 Spec Ops Intel Locations

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's Spec Ops co-op missions have tons of intel to collect, and here we'll guide you to each intel location to collect all 20 pieces from the Low Profile mission. These pieces of intel are scattered around the map in the form of items such as USB sticks, audio logs, and crates. Additionally, it's worth noting that finding 20 intel items in Spec Ops will reward you with the Full SSE Trophy/Achievement. There are 50 intel pieces throughout all three Spec Ops missions, but this is the easiest route to get the 20 needed for the Trophy/Achievement.

MW2 Spec Ops - all Low Profile intel locations

These intel pieces can be collected by using stealth to move around the map, or you can go in guns blazing and just clear out every location as you work your way around the area. There's no time limit for completing the mission, so use what method you prefer.

The intel can be collected in any order, but starting at B and working around the map clearing out enemies with stealth is a great approach to avoid getting overwhelmed. You can scroll down to the last intel location on the list and choose if you want to start there to make that intel an easier grab, or if you want to nab it after clearing out all the enemies. It's a bit tricky, so I saved it for last.

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