Destiny 2 Update Reduces Heavy Ammo In Crucible, Fixes A Big Bug

Week 2 of Destiny 2: Shadowkeep and Season of the Undying has begun, bringing the first weekly reset of the season. This coincides with the release of both a new hotfix patch, version, and a server-side update. The former fixes a serious lingering issue concerning the seasonal artifact, while the latter makes a surprisingly swift change to Heavy ammo in Crucible. Here's what's changed.

Hotfix is a simple one, with a lone item on its list of patch notes. Bungie has fixed the issue it warned players about last week: that claiming the Gate Lord's Eye artifact while in an activity where your equipment is locked could prevent you from obtaining it. Given that's an item you want to obtain as soon as possible to begin leveling it up, that was a real problem. The new patch notes say the issue has been resolved.

As for the server-side update, Bungie has made changes to balance in several Crucible playlists. In a message on its forums, community manager Cozmo acknowledged complaints regarding the large amount of Heavy ammo available in Crucible following changes implemented alongside Shadowkeep. In certain modes, this involved allowing an entire team to claim Heavy ammo within a limited window of time, rather than only a single player, as was previously the case.

That isn't changing with the new update. Instead, Bungie is reducing the rate at which Heavy ammo spawns into the map. Here's how it now works in these game modes:


  • New: first spawn at 45 seconds and then every 120 seconds
  • Old: first spawn at 45 seconds and then every 60 seconds


  • New: first spawn at 60 seconds and then every 120 seconds
  • Old: first spawn 15 seconds and then every 60 seconds

Cozmo said that Heavy ammo changes are coming later this month to the 3v3 Survival mode; Bungie is unable to implement them now due to the lack of server-side settings for it. The amount of ammo that's granted will also be reduced to match Elimination and 6v6 modes. Here's how that will look after the update:

3v3 Survival

  • New: first spawn at 60 seconds and then 60 seconds later (as the tiebreaker objective spawns)
  • Old: first spawn at 30 seconds and then every 60 seconds

Regarding Survival, Cozmo added, "We saw a lot of feedback about making Heavy one round or being removed but wanted to make sure there was still an incentive for players to maintain map control and not camp at the edge of the map once they have a life advantage. We will continue to monitor feedback on these changes."

Filed under: Video Games


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