Divinity: Original Sin Review Roundup

The fifth game in the Divinity series, Divinity: Original Sin, landed late last month to a good deal of buzz. Being such a big game, it's taken some time for many reviews to crop up, but we've now gathered a sampling of them to give you some sense of what the critics have been saying.

We first got a look at Original Sin back in 2012, when it was expected to be released last year. Instead, developer Larian Studios turned to Kickstarter last March to secure funding that would allow it to increase the size of its development staff--which, in turn, would allow it to make an even larger game. Nearly $1 million was raised, and the game's release was pushed all the way back to this June. It would appear that time was well spent, as critics are heralding the game--a computer RPG with co-op support and a great deal of freedom--as one of the best in recent memory.

You'll find a handful of reviews from around the web below, and the official GameSpot review will be coming soon. For more, check out GameSpot sister site Metacritic, where the game currently has a Metascore of 87.

  • Game: Divinity: Origin Sin
  • Developer: Larian Studios
  • Platforms: PC, Mac
  • Release Date: June 30
  • Price: $39.99

Eurogamer -- 9/10

"Certainly, I have no hesitation in recommending Original Sin to RPG fans old and new, provided that you're up for a challenge from very early on and don't expect to romp through, Diablo-style. While Skyrim is obviously more freeform and immersive, and the likes of Mass Effect are more cinematic, Divinity: Original Sin is hands down the best classic-style RPG in years. It's obviously not Ultima 8 in name (and that's probably for the best, because the Ultima 8 we got in reality was bloody awful). It is, however, in every way that counts, the best successor ever to those classic journeys to Britannia, and a triumph on its own terms as a modern RPG with no shortage of fresh ideas." [Full review]

PC Gamer -- 87/100

"One of the joys of playing Divinity: Original Sin is rediscovering things that RPGs used to do well and eventually lost--creating new experiences in an old mold. That's the nostalgic sentiment that drove it to success on Kickstarter. But what's really exciting about the game is that it proves that traditional RPGs have a lot to teach present-day designers. Freedom, simulation, depth, and respect for the player's choices. There's power in that old blood." [Full review]

IGN -- 9/10

"Divinity: Original Sin is one of the most rewarding RPGs to come along in years. Its quests and combat compelled me to think hard about my actions and choices, which is more than I usually get to say about contemporary RPGs. Its depth, personality, and combat challenges easily allow it to hold its own against the likes of heavyweights like Dragon Age: Origins. These systems invite constant experimentation throughout dozens of memorable hours of combat and cheeky storytelling, and its rich modding toolkit provides the framework for enjoyable player-made adventure for years to come." [Full review]

Quarter to Three -- 5/5

"Divinity: Original Sin has a lot of secrets to stumble over. Hidden rooms and sidequests are just part of the story. It's a joy to find new ways to interact with the world Larian has created. From getting a dog's help in tracking a killer, to crafting voodoo dolls by putting together a wooden figurine with a needle and pixie dust, you'll be doing new things all the time. The most creative turn-based combat seen in an RPG, combined with a dash of humor, has resulted in a fine stew of gaming. Plus, the game has something important to say about life: 'No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses.'" [Full review]

Game Informer -- 9/10

"The experience is not without a few minor quibbles, such as disastrous misclicks that can occur from enemy/camera positioning and the inability to always have items show up on the ground. The complete freeform gameplay in Divinity: Original Sin can be quite daunting and frustrating, especially as a player navigates the minefield of the early game without any real direction. Embrace the lack of handholding and complete freedom, and you have an incredible title that provides many hours of entertainment." [Full review]

MMORPG.com -- 8.2/10

"Divinity: Original Sin is able to both channel the roots of its old-school RPG ancestors such as Ultima and Baldur's Gate, while also improving the genre as a whole in the process. From start to finish, Divinity: Original Sin is an incredible experience that is full of deep and engaging role-playing. The true turn-based combat is a breath of fresh air in an industry obsessed with quick satisfaction and it brings you back to a time of tactics and thought. The role-playing potential presented in quests and dialogue options puts Divinity: Original Sin decidedly above its peers in most aspects, but leaves room for improvement down the line. Larian Studios is on a strong path to returning their long-running franchise to the spotlight, for fans both new and old." [Full review]

GameRevolution -- 4.5/5

"Trying to describe Divinity: Original Sin in words only gets one so far. I've spent plenty of time with the game and still feel like I've only scratched the surface. In fact, I didn't even mention the art style and soundtrack, both of which are fantastic. It comes down to this: Fans of old-school PC RPGs that don't hold the player's hand and focus on depth and freedom will adore this game. Audiences without that experience will also find something to love in Divinity: Original Sin, because depth and player freedom never become dated." [Full review]

Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheSmokingManX
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