Donald Glover Gives An Update On His Star Wars Movie About Lando

Donald Glover is working on a Star Wars movie focused on Lando Calrissian. He said in a recent interview that he agreed to the project in part because of the level of control he has been given. He said this level of control allows him to have a "singular" vision for the project.

"I feel like I have enough control. And maybe you get painted as a control freak, but it's like, yeah, control allows for the vision to be singular," he told The Hollywood Reporter. "And if the vision is singular, people want it more. The less it's singular, the less people want it because they feel like they could've made it. Look, we live in a time where anybody can f**king make anything. You go on TikTok, there's literally every type of thing. There's documentaries, there's puppetry, there's yarn stop-motion. So why would you want to see something you feel like you could have made?"

Another reason Glover signed on for the Lando project is because his children love Star Wars and he himself enjoys the characters in Star Wars, he said.

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