Double Fine Adventure is now called Broken Age

Point-and-click adventure game follows the adventure of a boy and a girl living parallel lives.


Developer Double Fine has announced Broken Age as the title of its Kickstarter success story Double Fine Adventure.

Broken Age is a point-and-click adventure that revolves around the stories of a young boy and girl who lead parallel lives. The boy lives in isolation under the protection of a motherly computer and longs for adventure, whereas the girl has been chosen to be sacrificed to a monster but decides to fight back.

The player will switch between both characters during the course of the game.

Double Fine has also opened preorders for the game on its website, offering a DRM-free version of Broken Age on the PC, Mac, and Linux for $15.

$30 gets players Backer Access, which gives access to exclusive backer-only forums, a digital soundtrack, access to development materials, and all the episodes of 2 Player Productions' documentary series charting the development of the title.

Both the regular and Backer editions provide access to the Broken Age beta, but the site has no mention of a release date.

Broken Age, when it was known as Double Fine Adventure, raised over $3.3 million on crowd-funding site Kickstarter from over 87,000 backers in March last year.

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"Double Fine Adventure is now called Broken Age" was posted by Martin Gaston on Mon, 25 Mar 2013 03:16:54 -0700
Filed under: Video Games


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