Every year MTV throws down the Woodie Awards. And EVERY year, without fail, someone throws out a d*** joke! COME ON, you guys! I just don't get it! The Woodies are so OBVIOUSLY about celebrating the diverse cultural landscape of college music and championing the trailblazing artists helming the forward progression of self-expression. Yet for some reason, almost everyone feels compelled to make a joke about their junk! Naively, I was convinced that 2012 was the year that Woodies artists would be the exception to the rule. But it turns out that you-know-what jokes at the Woodies are the rule, and there’s pretty much no exception.
Watch Mac Miller, Gossip, Walk The Moon, Dev and more play "Woodies Word Association" after the jump!
To test my theory, I played a little game of "Woodies Word Association" on the Woodies red carpet, and yet again, the reaction was almost overwhelmingly in favor of the male anatomy. T. Mills, Lil Jon, Gossip and Walk The Moon all made erection references! Mac Miller, who's clearly already putting that Woodie Of The Year win into action, made a porn joke –-- several, actually -- and promised to deliver a series of brief adult videos, which I'm sure his female fans will appreciate. Dev's answer was at least demure. Which left only two appropriate responses: Wallpaper., who said that Woodies remind him of a longboard, and fun.'s Nate Ruess, who said that the Woodies remind him of a woodpecker. See, those are the types of guys you wanna take home to meet your mom. Everyone else? Heathens and perverts, the lot of them.
+ Watch Lil Jon, Mac Miller, Gossip, Dev, Walk The Moon and more artists play "Woodies Word Association" at the 2012 mtvU Woodie Awards, check out Woodies Awards Festival performances and tune in to the 2012 mtvU Woodie Awards Sunday, March 18, at 8/7c on MTV and mtvU.
