Harry Styles Embraces The Hate With The Funniest Fan Sign Ever (PHOTO)

Harry Styles of One Direction takes the hate in stride while holding up a fan sign from a recent concert.

Harry Styles jokingly Instagrams a not-so-sweet sign from a "fan." Classic.

When you're in a famous boy band like One Direction, and when you're arguably one of the cutest members of One Direction, haters are obviously going to come out of the woodwork with things like hate mail, rampant side eyes, and worst of all, mean-spirited signage (like the one in the above photo). And while most people might emotionally crumble and cry into their chicken dinners, Harry Styles not most people. See how Harry's brushing that "Dirt Off Your Shoulder" like Jay-Z? So, let's be perfectly clear: When you're as perfect as Harry, you are NEVER shaken.

The "Kiss You" singer posted the expletive-baring photo on Instagram with the caption, "Possibly the best sign at a show ever." And while it's easy to take this sign while performing at face value (and Harry COULD HAVE sobbed uncontrollably to his 12 million Twitter followers, saying stuff like "Do you believe this ISH?"), the sign may have another meaning. It's reported that this poster was actually meant for the paparazzi and their endless pursuit of the guys. Now we can definitely see why Harry held onto this sign. We could totally picture him wearing it like a sandwich board as he's going about his daily business -- it's paparazzi repellent! See, that Harry h8ter did him a FAVOR! 

Photo credit: @harrystyles

Filed under: Music


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