Hasbro’s Star Wars #ForceFridayCountdown Day 31

Hasbro sent out this amazing page-a-day Star Wars calendar to help us countdown to the release of new Star Wars: The Force Awakens product on “Force Friday” on September 4th.

Today we are 31 days away from Force Friday and the toy of the day is the first large size Star Wars figure I ever bought… or more specifically my parents bought for me.  We were on a family road trip for my dad’s business for a weekend conference.    I remember my grandparents went with us to babysit my brother and I while my parents were working their booth at the convention/conference.   My grandparents took us shopping to buy a new toy to keep us occupied.   I went into the store thinking that I would just get a 3.75″ figure or two.   Then I saw these large size figures and I flipped my lid!   My grandparents let me get 2 of the figures.   I got Luke and Obi-Wan.

I went on and collected the whole series, except for Leia (she was a “doll”) and the R2-D2 (becasue I had the remote controlled R2 that was close in scale and I thought was WAY cooler.)


To this day the vintage Kenner large sized action figures are some of my favorite things in my collection. (I have since picked up Leia and R2, and a couple of customs).


Filed under: Toys


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