How Marvel’s Avengers Actor Has Embraced Role As Kamala Khan

The beta for Marvel's Avengers didn't particularly blow me away, but I did enjoy the snippet of story I got to see. Specifically, I love Kamala Khan, who's the focal point for the campaign. Not only does she have my favorite combat mechanics, but she injects both a wonderful playfulness and human element into the story.

Kamala is a nerdy teenager who likes to tell cheesy jokes, but she's also struggling to come to terms with being labeled as a freak for having the superpower to enlarge and stretch her body (which she calls embiggening). Marvel's Avengers is about Earth's Mightiest Heroes learning to become a team again, but the beta also showcases that it's just as much the origin story for an ordinary girl who becomes the second Ms. Marvel--a symbol of inspiration for Inhumans and teenage superheroes. This is the aspect of Marvel's Avengers that I'm most intrigued to see unfold, and that largely comes from actor Sandra Saad's performance as Kamala.

Saad does a wonderful job bringing the young hero to life and, after playing through the Marvel's Avengers beta, I got to sit down and talk with her about her performance, how she prepared for the role, and what someone like Kamala means to both her and the wider superhero fan community. I was immediately surprised by how much Saad already is so much like Kamala--I can see why she was cast. "That's what I've been told," she said, laughing. "That I'm pretty similar to her character DNA already, so I didn't have to go very far in my study."

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