Joe Kubert (1926-2012)

We at AFi are saddened by the loss of Comic Book legend Joe Kubert

Eric “Cornboy Mayse wrote on his facebook page:

Without Joe Kubert and the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon & Graphic Art there might never have been a Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios. That’s not to say that the other three Four Horsemen fellas wouldn’t have gone on to do something possibly even more phenomenal than we’ve been able to accomplish, but there definitely wouldn’t have been a Cornboy there to help out. Joe and his school were THE reasons that I moved my whole family hundreds of miles to New Jersey, accidentally acquired the nickname Cornboy from a Yugoslavian immigrant, stumbled into the part time (and later full time) job at McFarlane Toys, left there to co-found Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios, and finally had the honor of being able to help to create 6-inch scaled, plastic, 3D representations of some of the many DC Comics characters that Joe worked on for DC Comics over the years. I owe Joe, his school and many of the talented instructors who worked there at the time more than I could ever repay, and I personally know quite a few people who can say the same. Thanks, Joe. Rest in peace, good sir. A job well done.

Our thoughts are with the Kubert family.

Filed under: Toys


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