Joe Russo Claims AI-Generated 90-Minute Movies Will Be ‘Very Competent’ Within Two Years

Joe Russo is one half of the Russo brothers, best known as the directors of four Marvel movies, including Avengers: Endgame. Considering how incredibly CGI-heavy those films are, it's only natural that Russo would be concerned with all sorts of technological advancements that might make his life as a filmmaker easier. In a Q&A at the Sands International Film Festival in Scotland, Russo and Epic Games chief creative officer Donald Mustard mused about the potential ways that artificial intelligence might aid filmmakers--or just take over filmmaking duties itself.

"We've had conversations about how it can be used," Russo said, implying that he and Mustard were more likely speculating than describing any specific concrete plans they are currently trying to implement.

"Potentially, what you could do with it is obviously use it to engineer storytelling and change storytelling. So you have a constantly evolving story, either in a game or in a movie, or a TV show," Russo went on.

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