John Mayer And Katy Perry’s Duet Has Solidified Our Obsession With Their Official Coupledom

Listen to Katy Perry and John Mayer's "Who Do You Love" duet.

Katy Perry and John Mayer are in looooove!

Look, we can't sugarcoat what's about to happen, so here's fair warning: If you're single and a little sad about it, we suggest that you avert your eyes and just listen to Katy Perry's "Roar" a few more times. But if you're in a loving relationship and the sight of two people (say, John Mayer and Katy Perry) holding hands, SINGING A LOVE SONG, and definitely wearing coordinated outfits doesn't make you wanna puke and hide under the covers for two days, then this post IS FOR YOU! Why all the sudden fuss, you ask? Because it’s official, friends! #Jaty is in love, AND WE'RE IN LOVE with them.

Listen to John Mayer and Katy Perry's "Who You Love," and see some adorable photos of the couple after the jump.

If you're still not convinced that #Jaty's love conquers all, then take a look at this evidence: In June, Perry told Vogue that she still had feelings for John, then in July Mayer kinda hinted at a Jaty reunion. Then, true to John's word, we saw the two reconcile via some romantic hand-holding, and finally, yesterday the chatty couple released a duet called "Who You Love."

A track off of John's forthcoming Paradise Valley album, "Who You Love" is an unadorned, organic, folky ballad that features the couple singing about how they fell for each other. Now, the most important question remains: Will John and Katy ride the subway together to the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards, where Katy plans to debut the live performance of "Roar"?? We can only pray! Anyway, keep up the lovey-dovey stuff coming, guys! We're totally rooting for you two. (I mean, you just don't rock a sweat suit in front of someone you don't see a serious future with, right?)

Listen to Katy Perry and John Mayer's "Who Do You Love" duet.

The couple that matches together, stays together.

Listen to Katy Perry and John Mayer's "Who Do You Love" duet.

There's a ton of hand-holding in this relationship! 

Listen to Katy Perry and John Mayer's "Who Do You Love" duet.

Oh, just massaging John Mayer's back and talking to Sting. WHAT A LIFE! 

+ Listen to John Mayer and Katy Perry's "Who You Love."

Photo credit: Getty Images

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