Justin Bieber Pulled A Quick Crotch Grab At The 2013 Billboard Awards (PHOTO)

Justin Bieber grabs his crotch at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards.

Justin Bieber cements his Billboard win with a crotch grab.

Justin Bieber had a difficult decision to make while accepting his 2013 Billboard Award for Best Male Artist (!!!): Either let his baggy, drop-crotch pants fall to the stage (keep calm with that visual, Beliebers), or pull a classic crotch grab to keep them up. Well, at least that's what we think is going on in the above photo. Either that, or Justin is giving a little shout out to Rihanna ('cause we know how much that girl lovvves her crotch grabs). Secret coded crotch grabs are the new wink -- pass it on!

The AB-solutely in-shape singer not only took home the coveted Billboard honor, but he also DOMINATED the stage with a performance of "Take You"! And when we say "dominated," we mean he showed up in a "Spinal Tap"-esque glass capsule thingy and danced like a BAWSE in leather pants. And without getting too gross, we really don't blame Justin for grabbing himself! Like we said: He's in leather pants, AND he just danced his a$$ off -- obviously that's one heck of a sweaty work out. Are you putting this together? Leather pants + Sweat = Horrible. Honestly, if we were Justin we would've taken off the leather trousers ENTIRELY and accepted the award in our underwear. Or not worn underwear at ALL like Ke$ha! NO ONE deserves that kind of chafing!

Check out more 2013 Billboard Music Awards coverage, including must-see photos and red carpet style, and read up on the night's winners.

Photo credit: Getty Images

Filed under: Music


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