Justin Bieber punks his bro Rob Dyrdek -- dude is NOT feeling it.
We love a good punking, and leave it to Justin Bieber to deliver, big time! On anĀ upcoming episode of MTV's "Punk'd," the Biebs decides he wants to punk pro skater Rob Dyrdek. And sorry, Rob, but he gets you, and he gets you gooooood.
In the clip, we see Rob, Justin and Sean Kingston having dinner at a restaurant. Things are going well until suddenly, some chick drives her car straight into the patio where the dudes are eating! She crashes into everything. The entire restaurant, including Rob, Justin and Sean, literally goes into shock. Once the car stops, the angry driver gets out, slams the door and starts coming straight for their table. Girlfriend is pissed, and she did this on purpose.
As the clip goes on it's clear that someone, presumably Rob, knows this chick and did something to piss her off. Someone is overheard saying, "What did you guys say to her that she did this?" to which Justin replies, "You were screaming at her!" Sounds like a complete and total nightmare, which, thankfully for us, will make one of the most hilarious "Punk'd" episodes ever. And also, Justin Bieber's involved, so it's already set on the DVR.
+ Watch a preview of Justin Bieber and Rob Dyrdek's upcoming episode of "Punk'd," and catch the premiere March 29 on MTV.
