LEGO, costumes, clothing, lightsabers, board games, action figures, and more on sale for ‘Star Wars’ Day in the UK – Mashable
LEGO, costumes, clothing, lightsabers, board games, action figures, and more on sale for 'Star Wars' Day in the UK  Mashable

Forget your birthday and the major holidays we celebrate every year, because the only date that really matters is May 4 — Star Wars Day. It's not like true fans don't celebrate the franchise every single day, but it's nice to have an excuse to go for it 100 percent. It's the perfect day to watch a film (or all of them), wear your best Luke Skywalker pyjamas, and maybe even bring out your personalised lightsaber. You could even go one step further and really make the most of this special day with a bargain from the Disney store. There is 20 percent off selected Star Wars items until May 6. T...

Filed under: Toys


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