Marty Abrams, father of the modern action figure, brought back Mego. So what’s next? – SYFY WIRE
Marty Abrams, father of the modern action figure, brought back Mego. So what's next?  SYFY WIRE

World-renowned toy company Mego Corporation, the inventor of the modern collector’s market, is back in the toy game after 36 years. The Mego brand, a modest dime store toy company founded in 1956 by David and Madeline Abrams exploded in popularity when their son Marty became President of the Mego Corp. in 1971. With an excellent business sense and a sharp eye for toys and what the market was lacking, Abrams began making deals with preexisting licenses and intellectual properties. By being the first brand to produce toys based on television, movie, and comic book characters, Mego Corp. creat...

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