Watch Paul McCartney's new video, 'My Valentine,' featuring Natalie Portman and Johnny Depp.
If for some bizarre reason you've ever doubted that Paul McCartney was both a musical genius and a badass with a crazy-stacked Rolodex, then let us direct you to the Sir's video for his beautiful ballad, "My Valentine."
No, you're not watching a preview for a new Natalie Portman/Johnny Depp drama coming out next month. You're watching the latest Paul McCartney video. (Clearly the man's got good taste in hot people.) If "My Valentine" wasn't already jam-packed with enough famous peeps for you, then allow us to alert you to the fact that the haunting guitar melody lilting throughout the entire song was played by a lil' studio musician-for-hire by the name of Eric Clapton. AND the stunning visuals were fashioned by none other than Paul's kid/clothing designer-to-the-celebs, Stella McCartney. We told you, STACKED Rolodex.
Watch Paul McCartney's "My Valentine" after the jump.
With guidance from cinematographer Wally Pfister, the McCartney-directed clip was shot in black and white, and features interlaced images of Natalie and Johnny singing and signing the lyrics to Paul's tune. As Natalie signs, we hear Paul croon: "What if it rained?/ We didn't care/ She said that someday soon the sun was gonna shine/ And she was right/ This love of mine/ My Valentine." Sadly, Paul's nowhere to be found in the video, but I guess if you can't look at a Beatle, then gawking at Natalie Portman and Johnny Depp is the next best option.
+ Watch Paul McCartney's "My Valentine."