New Video: Small Black, ‘No Stranger’


Small Black explore a sexy stranger fantasy in their "No Stranger" video.

We all have those fleeting moments of what if, right? When we momentarily lock eyes with someone across the subway, or walking down the street, and instantly an entire alternate timeline of possibility unfurls in your mind. (Or at least we'd like to think we would if they ever let us crawl out of our blogger isolation chambers.) Normal people like you, though, probably know all about the emotions on display in this new video from Brooklyn haze-pop act Small Black, "No Stranger."

Watch Small Black's "No Stranger" video after the jump.

The wistfully romantic track, from their most recent LP, Limits of Desire, out now on Jagjaguar, complements the tone of longing at the heart of the Mandy Mandelstein and Addison Mehr-directed video. Two strangers meet on a train and embark on a perfect day of swimming, bonfires, and running through the woods.

We asked Mehr to explain more of the concept behind the video.

"Mandy came up with the idea, which was focusing on the 'what-if' thoughts that we have after everyday interactions with people in the world around us," he explained. "The concept was then kind of about exploring this idea of regret at not acting on the impulse of desire and how we are stuck thinking about what could have been."

Hmmmm, sounds like an un-acted-upon "Before Sunrise" situation to us. Like, if Ethan Hawke hadn't approached Julie Delpy on that train in Europe. (But we're REALLY glad he did. And we're glad their meet-cute relationship survived till "Before Midnight.")

Some of the imagined scenarios are more grounded in reality than others, he said. "We wanted some of the fantasy sequences to be self-contained and others to be more self-reflexive like in Wild Strawberries or Eternal Sunshine where the character actually inhabits the physical space of these fantasies/desires."

The setting for the clip, the Adirondack Mountains, where Mehr grew up, lends a sense of loneliness to the clip. "It is incredibly beautiful but can also be a very isolating place, which is something I am always interested in exploring. Mandy also had the idea of shooting it in a very kind of intimate documentary style and then contrasting these personal small moments with vast landscapes, which was perfect for this location."

+ Watch Small Black's "No Stranger" video.

Photo credit: Jagjaguwar

Filed under: Music


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