New Video: Wiz Khalifa Featuring Akon, ‘Let It Go’ (NSFW)

Wiz Khalifa and Akon help tell the story of a young woman trying to overcome some tough obstacles in the video for "Let It Go."

Wiz Khalifa and Akon rhyme about chasing success in "Let It Go."

Taking some time away from cleaning baby Bash's poopWiz Khalifa is back to his rapper day job in the video for "Let It Go" (featuring Akon), the latest single from O.N.I.F.C. In their moving clip, the rappers take a backseat from the spotlight to narrate the tale of a young female fighter who won't give up on what she wants despite several obstacles in her life. See, guys? Whenever you're feeling down or like you have nothing left to give, just imagine Wiz Khalifa and Akon as your guardian angels. It really helps with those last few minutes on the elliptical.

Watch Wiz Khalifa featuring Akon's "Let It Go" video after the jump.

In "Let It Go," Wiz and Akon introduce a young lady boxer who's training hard at home while going to night school and working a crappy job at a gentleman's club (and we use the word "gentleman" loosely. Maybe Rihanna and her crew should teach those guys some manners). And speaking of manners, one night a "gentleman" gets a liiiittle too fresh, causing our girl to fight back and ALMOST knock that guy unconscious. Luckily, she leaves before things get too out of control. After an unhelpful chat with her MEH boyfriend, she takes full control of her life by going full throttle on her boxer training at the gym (instead of doing the whole home-school boxer thing). And to think she's got Wiz and Akon as her (rooftop) guardian angels! Sounds like Oscar-winning material to us.

+ Watch Wiz Khalifa featuring Akon's "Let It Go" video (NSFW).

Photo credit: Atlantic Records

Filed under: Music


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