Phasmophobia Guide: General Ghost Hunting Tips

Phasmophobia is one of the latest breakout games on Twitch and for good reason. This thrilling early access horror game puts you and up to three other players in the role of paranormal investigators, equipping you with an arsenal of ghost-hunting items and letting you loose in a haunted location. Your goal is to monitor supernatural activity and gather up essential evidence to aid in identifying the ghost before it kills everyone.

But that's easier said than done.. While understanding what each tool in your ghost hunting arsenal does is important, you'll also have to consider other key factors and behaviors to follow as you explore and try to work out the ghost's identity. Below, we've detailed some essential ghost-hunting tips to help you survive a job.

Keeping In Communication

First, we highly recommend using in-game voice chat once you and your team have found your footing. Discord is nice when you're first starting, but it can make things a bit too easy and far less terrifying. The game does some fun stuff with audio implementation that makes the experience more immersive and tense.

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