In case you guys couldn't tell, we're SUPER PUMPED about MTV's Battle Of The Boy Bands. It's kind of one of those things where you want to know who wins, but at the same time you don't want it to ever end -- kind of like "The Hunger Games." In order to keep you guys pumped up for the tourney, we put together a photo gallery of ALL THE BOY BANDS in the game! (Consider us the old guy in your boxing corner cleaning the blood off your face and squirting H2O in your mouth in between your rounds of voting.) So yes, in case you might have forgotten what All-4-One or O-Town look like (how dare you?!), we're here to remind you. Join us for a stroll down boy band memory lane, won't you?
For example, this PRICELESS Backstreet Boys photo (above). What's there not to love? The monochromatic outfits? Nick's so-shiny-it's-almost-Barbie-like hair? AJ's earrings?! I think the answer you're looking for is "Absolutely nothing."
Check out more photos of our fave boy band dudes below, and peep them all in our BATTLE OF THE BOY BANDS PHOTO GALLERY! And don't forget to vote in MTV's Battle Of The Boy Bands!

As promised: All-4-One! Notice, all you kids today, that boy bands back in the early '90s didn't need any newfangled pleather suits or muticolored JNCOs or whatever. Just ill-fitting polos and voices like angels.

I'm fairly certain I had this exact photo of New Kids On The Block, but poster-sized and framed above my bed. I'll be loving Joey forever! (Come at me, Jordan fans! WHAT.)
+ See the rest of the boy bands competing for the title of the best boy band ever in our BATTLE OF THE BOY BANDS PHOTO GALLERY! And cast your votes in MTV's Battle Of The Boy Bands tournament. This decision is riding on you, internet!
Credit all photos: WireImage/GettyImages