Pink Posts The MOST STUNNING Photo Of Herself And Baby Willow Sage

Pink is one of the coolest and hardest-working moms we know. (Well, we don't know know Pink, but we really wish we did.) She takes time out to be with her family (and FYI, they do things like this), but she still manages to get in the studio and work on new music. It's all about the multitasking, baby.

As you may have heard, Pink is coming out with her new single, "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)." But that doesn't mean she gets to take time off from being a mommy. Pink took her adorable daughter, Willow Sage, to a photo shoot, and together, they took a break to have some lunch. Along with the beautiful photo, Pink tweeted, "Lunchtime at my album photo shoot. Deborah Anderson takes some purty pictures:)." We're not sure if by "lunch" Pink actually means "take time out to breast-feed my kid," or lunch as in a delectable feast of shoes we'd kill for. Either way, both her lunch -- and her hair -- are far more stunning than ours, and this will totally become one of those photos her daughter will show her friends one day and be like "Dude, LOOK how rad my mom was." (Except Pink will obviously never stop being cool.)

Filed under: Music


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