Rihanna Looks Like A Gilded Goddess On The Cover Of Harper’s Bazaar (PHOTO)

Rihanna is a clothed vision in white on the August cover of  Harper’s Bazaar.

The best part about Rihanna is that one minute she can totally forget to wear all her clothes (please see here and here and here), and the next, she can wear lots of them and look equally as bangin'. Rihanna is Harper's Bazaar's August 2012 cover girl, and not only is she fully clothed (it's cool, but don't make a habit of it) but she is STUN-NING! Decked in a revealing white dress in one shot and then a sparkly gold ONESIE with knee-high snakeskin boots (that outfit is my spirit animal, BTW) in the other, Rihanna worked her best I DGAF face as she confidently posed for the spread.

+ Check out another photo of Rihanna from Harper's Bazaar after the jump!

Inside the issue, Rihanna opens up and admits she's fearful of love: "When I was in love, I fell so hard. I was really, really, really in love. The way it made me feel was priceless. And in a blink of an eye my whole life changed. Everything that I knew was different. I never thought I’d feel that pain in my life. I’m afraid of feeling that again.” We totally feel you on that one sister, but please, don't forget, any woman who can successfully pull off a sparkly gold onesie deserves only the best in life! So don't settle.

Photo credit: Bazaar/Camilla Akrans

Filed under: Music


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