Rihanna tweets a topless photo from the set of her upcoming video "Where Have You Been."
Remember how like, everyone's naked photos were on the internet this week? (Olivia Munn and Christina Hendricks in like the same second -- oh, and Jessica Simpson naked and pregnant on Elle.) Well, Rihanna is never one to let someone else run the show. Girl took the power into her own hands when she tweeted this photo of herself topless from the set of her upcoming video "Where Have You Been." On one hand it's like, "OK, we get it, you're hot," but on the other it's like, "If I was Rihanna I would do my grocery shopping topless." YOLO, as Drake would say.
Also, let's talk about how Rihanna tweeted this photo right after she tweeted her support for Invisible Children, an incredible organization devoted to helping children in Uganda. Talk about a juxtaposition. One second you're trying to help children forced into slavery. The next you've got no shirt on! All in a day's work, I guess!
PS: What is that blonde thing she's holding? An extension? Mini Lady Gaga doll? Tiny, well-coiffed dog?
Photo credit: @rihanna