Some Twitch Streamers Are Boycotting On Wednesday Over Twitch Hate Raids

A number of Twitch channels will go dark on Wednesday, September 1, as a form of protest against the platform. This comes after many streamers claimed Twitch has not taken sufficient action against hate raids, which have plagued marginalized streamers for the last several weeks.

As reported by The Verge, the #ADayOffTwitch blackout was planned by ShineyPen, Lucia Everblack, and RekItRaven as a follow-up to the Twitter campaign, #TwitchDoBetter. The Twitter campaign was led by RekItRaven as a way to pressure Twitch into providing better tools and protections for streamers on its platform. The issue first came up a few weeks ago when "hate raids" began happening regularly, where a flood of bots would come into a streamer's chat, all spamming the same racist or bigoted comments.

While Twitch did release a statement on Twitter about the #TwitchDoBetter campaign, however, it did not provide any specifics about what it was doing. It released a second statement a week and a half later to address the fact that it did not take any action against hate raids. However, all it said was that it's working on it and does not what to let the people organizing these raids know its plans.

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