Star Spotting: Adam Lambert Has A Pair Of Blue 3-D Glasses, And He’s Not Afraid To Wear Them (PHOTO)

Adam Lambert wears 3-D glasses while at Universal Studios in Singapore.

Of course Adam Lambert makes 3-D glasses look like couture from the future.

No one's surprised that Adam Lambert can rock 3-D glasses like they're couture, right? (We'll go ahead and answer that one for y'all: "AH-NOPE!") And of course, Adam acquires a pair that almost flawlessly matches the blue suit he's been wearing while DOMINATING on tour in Asia! This just in: Adam ALWAYS finds a way to win at everything he does, and if you'd like more proof, please look at this photo of him holding a trophy for being the BEST EVAR. Any remaining haters, please step aside.

The "Stay" singer shared the photo of him embracing a multidimensional experience on Instagram along with the caption, "Universal Studios - Singapore. 3d time!" So, not only is Adam exploring Asia and taking bathroom seflies with his BFF in his off time, but he also gets to hit up amusement parks! And if you need more to marvel at, please take note of Adam's hair -- not a follicle out of place! He's been riding rides that whip you around and he STILL manages to serve some coif-perfection realness. Anyway, the only thing that would make this image better is if we had a pair of 3-D glasses that made it look like Adam was with us everywhere we went. Or better yet, VICE VERSA! YO, one of you crafty Glamberts, design a pair of those for us, STAT!

Photo credit: @realadamlambert

Filed under: Music


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