Star Spotting: Adam Lambert Smizes Directly Into Our Souls (PHOTO)

Adam Lambert attends the We Are Family Foundation gala looking more glam than ever.

Adam Lambert does a perfect smize at the We Are Family Foundation gala.

First off, can we all agree that while Adam Lambert may have just turned 31 years old (which we properly celebrated by baking a cake, eating the entire thing by ourselves, and watching these amazing GIFs on repeat), his skin has an ageless GLAMINOSITY (that's glam/luminosity -- use it with your friends) that will never fade? That, or he's using all the right products. Now, let's admire how Adam has the uncanny ability to stare directly into our souls with his stellar smize. Seriously, Adam! Tyra Banks would be cry-smizing with joy right now if she could see you.

The "Ray of Light" singer was snapped attending the We Are Family Foundation gala at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. And Adam was not just there to SLAY the red carpet, he was actually there to accept the coveted Unity Award to honor his raising more than $16,000 for the charity!

And because Adam goes above and beyond in everything he does, he accepted his award AND THEN GOT ON STAGE TO BRING THE HOUSE DOWN alongside Sam Sparro and Nile Rodgers. The three even performed a stellar collabo version of his Trespassing track, "Shady"! We weren't there, but we can only imagine that no one applauded once Adam finished his EPIC performance, because they were all too busy crying tears of amazement and bowing down to his majesty. And that's totally what we would have done. (Maybe that's why we weren't invited. Gotta work on keeping it together in public.)

Photo credit: WENN

Filed under: Music


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