Star Spotting: Cee Lo Green Dressed As Santa Might Be Better Than Santa Dressed As Santa (PHOTO)

Cee Lo as Santa is the best Holiday-themed thing you're ever gonna see. Ever.

Cee Lo Green is no stranger to getting extra festive for the holidays (please see his Cee Lo's Magic Moment album art), but watching him dress up as his own version of Santa Claus (Cee Lo Clause?), ride in on a sleigh, and dole out presents? Yep, that's basically Christmas perfection.

The season finale of "The Voice" aired last night, and although Cassadee Pope was crowned the official winner (mazels on that, bb!), "The Voice" judge Cee Lo Green was on hand to give away Kia cars to the top three contestants! Which, again, actually makes him Santa, because GIFTS! If the above photo is too overwhelming for you to process, then we'll walk you through a few key elements, the most important of which being Cee Lo's sidekick elf who looks a just a little too happy to be Cee Lo's holiday assistant. The second, of course, is Mr. Green's white angel costume (not a typical Santa suit, but we'll take it!), followed closely by the shooting star that's casually radiating out of his wig. Sadly, last night was Cee Lo's last time on "The Voice" as a judge until next fall (Usher and Shakira are taking over for Cee Lo and Christina Aguilera this spring), but we honestly couldn't think of a better send-off. We'll miss you, dear Cee Lo, but we're EXTREMELY REVVED for that new Goodie Mob album.

Photo credit: Getty Images

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