Star Spotting: Demi Lovato Poses Her Way To Rocker Royalty On ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ (PHOTOS)

Demi Lovato nailed her performance of "Heart Attack" on "Jimmy Kimmel Live."
Just Demi Lovato, being a fierce rocker while she sings a pop song!

Look, it's not like we're saying that Demi Lovato hasn't made her mark on the pop music world (you don't release a song like "Heart Attack" and go unnoticed). It's just that do you generally see pop princesses nailing quintessential "Rock God" poses? You know, like the pose above, which we can pretty much guarantee was Ozzy Osbourne's go-to move for all of 1969 to 1974? NOPE, you don't.

Check out more photos of Demi Lovato after the jump.

Demi and her significant posing skills stopped by "Jimmy Kimmel Live" last night where she seemingly rocked her face off while performing "Heart Attack," the first single off her forthcoming Demi disc, out May 14. Couple Demi's pose perfection and the news of her new album with her now-confirmed return to "The X Factor," and it's basically "watch out" for every other pop star, because Demi's poised to become the most powerful lady in the game. (Except for Beyonce who isn't a lady, but a QUEEN, so it doesn't count.)

That said, we know it's like "totally rocker" and whatnot to head bang and have your hair in your eyes (and we know girl can manage a MEAN hair flip), but will somebody get this gal a bedazzled headband, or something?! When you've got professional makeup artists on staff giving you a "smokey eye" to die for, WE WANNA SEE IT AT ALL TIMES.

Demi Lovato nailed her performance of "Heart Attack" on "Jimmy Kimmel Live."

Photo credit: Pacific Coast News

Filed under: Music


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