Nicki Minaj looks sad while arriving in London.
Nicki Minaj usually dominates in the IDGAF department, so catching a glimpse of our fave rapper sporting a frumpy frown is like our very serious jealousy toward hologram Tupac's sudden budding career -- it just ain't right, guys!
While arriving in London, the "Starships" singer may have been looking peppy in her outfit, but Nicki's pouty lip is telling a whole different story. We're willing to place some of that sadness on jet lag (first class probs gets really hard to deal with after an international flight), but let's blame the majority on possible Twitter withdrawal. Nicki recently deleted her Twitter account with little explanation, and we can only begin to imagine what it must feel like to quit our only way of human interaction cold turkey. But Nicki seems to be doing better than we ever could -- we'd probably be so lost that we'd go around only talking in 140 characters and starting all conversations with "@" signs. #patheticbuttrue
Photo credit: Splash News