Star Spotting: Taylor Swift Carries Red Roses AND Coffee Because She’s Living Her Best Life (PHOTO)

Taylor Swift sufficiently meets her "red" quota in London.

We're all probably thinking the same thing here: Does Taylor Swift EVER TAKE A BAD PICTURE? The answer is "nope." Never. Like, never ever ever (sorry). But hold your applause for her photogenic success, because we Taylor fans have bigger things to celebrate, such as how she sold 1.2 million copies of her new album, Red, in a week! This also just in: The dictionary will now use Taylor's picture next to the definition of "perfection." (We're totally kidding about the last part -- but we'd be down with it.)

The recently available "Begin Again" singer was snapped leaving her London hotel looking super adorbz, per usual. If selling millions of records, having gazillions of fans, impeccable style, and cute facial expressions aren't enough for you to want to be Taylor, then keep in mind that she's also a brilliant marketing mogul. Take a look at how Taylor's red lipstick color matches the red in her flowers that also matches that red coffee cup she's carrying. We're not saying she planned that or anything, but her album is named after the color, and her record just so happens to be DOMINATING the charts. It's a pretty smart, detail-oriented subliminal advertising technique if you ask us. Pretty clever, Taylor.


Photo credit: Splash News

Filed under: Music


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