The Batman: Robert Pattinson Shares His Diet And Exercise Program

Actor Robert Pattinson has shared his diet and exercise program for The Batman, and it sounds pretty tough. In the latest issue of Healthy For Men (via IGN), Pattinson reveals what he did to get jacked and fit for what might be one of his biggest roles to date, and it involves drinking less booze and working out more.

To get abs, Pattinson did circuits of bicycle crunches, dumbbell side bends, double crunches, and a superman--he did three sets of 25 repetitions per move.

For cardio, Pattinson ran 5-10 km three to four times per week. And for his general strength, Pattinson performed army-style heavy sandbag routines on the beach and boxing. Pattinson also took long walks to not only burn calories and limber up, but also to get his mind in a better place.

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