The Breaking Bad Florida Mom Has A New Neighbor in Crazytown #StarWars #SlaveLeiaGate


The story was making the rounds on social media today of a father in Philadelphia being upset and “unable to explain” a Star Wars Black Princess Leia in Slave action figure to his two daughters.   The dad in the story can never quite seem to be able to articulate what has fueled his 10-minutes-of-fame faux-outrage, just that he was unsure how to “explain this crap.”  He seems to be hung up on the chain around the neck of the figure, which he seems to be projecting his own sexual “deviance” on, as in the context of the scene in the movie makes sense, as the character is a slave that the gangster does not want to escape, but he seems to think it means something else.   Or maybe he is upset by bikinis?


FOX 29 News Philadelphia | WTXF-TV

While discussing this story today with friends, one buddy said “Has this guy never seen Return of the Jedi? The title of the article should have been ‘Grown Man has No Excuse for Not Seeing 30 Year Old Staple of Pop Culture’.”

Another friend said “If he can’t explain to his kids that this is how a bad guy imprisoned a hero who later beat him, and then helped her hero friends escape, he shouldn’t be a father.”

Target seems to brush off his complaint as his has been the only one regarding this 2 year old figure (that has been released several times in several scales since 1997).

I’m not sure if I should dismiss him as just another example of “lunatic fringe” or if I should jump online a support him to try to get the figure recalled and removed from store shelves so it will FINALLY make way for the new waves of Star Wars Black figures we are missing out on because this figure is taking up SO MANY pegs in stores across the nation!

What say you fellow insiders?



Filed under: Toys


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