Listen to indie-rock outlet fiN's new song 'Rapture.'
DIY indie-rock band fiN is having the best year ever. Why, you ask? Well, aside from putting out some rad records and hitting the road for SXSW, the band ended up headlining one of Britain’s biggest nights in music -- Rihanna handpicked them to support her live at the 2012 Brit Awards. These dudes are currently balling super hard. Oh, they're also handsome. Brownie points.
The Southwest London schoolmates have turned into an overnight success story, and they have a lot more on their résumé than just opening for Rihanna. (Though we'd still be incredibly impressed if that was their one claim to fame.) These British bros have toured with The Kooks and Incubus, and their music has been mixed by Adrian Bushby, an acclaimed producer who's worked Muse and The Foo Fighters. Again, balling hard.
Listen to fiN after the jump.
"Rapture," fiN's crazy catchy new rock record, also happens to be the song that caught Rihanna's attention. As the story goes, Rihanna's team was working to come up with concepts for her performance at the Brits. Several bands were submitted for consideration, but when someone from her team played fiN's "Rapture," Rihanna was sold and decided to book the band because she thought they were "hot." Not a bad way to introduce yourselves, fellas!
+ Listen to fiN.

fiN after they shared the stage with Rihanna at the 2012 Brit Awards