The Sims 4 Potential Expansion Packs Revealed by User Survey

Electronic Arts sent a survey to The Sims 4 players to gauge their interests in a number of potential expansion packs. Screenshots of the survey sent to Sims VIP reveal the expansions pack ideas in surprising detail.

The survey first asked for fans' level of interest in an expansion pack's basic concept. For example, a description for a Supernatural expansion pack says that players will be able to "explore the mysterious world of the Supernatural where you'll be able to create vampires, elementals, or even supernatural friends to help you around the house."

It then offers more specific features that each expansion might include. In the Fame and Fortune Expansion Pack, for example, players will be able to become a celebrity, manage their image and online persona, sign autographs, and hide from paparazzi. They'll also be able to choose from an acting, singing, and film directing career.

Another interesting potential expansion pack was titled Active Careers, which would include "fully interactive" careers that let you "directly control your Sims' every action while they're on the job and watch as they create new inventions as a Scientist, help cure other Sims as a Doctor or solve crimes as a Detective amongst other career options."

Of course, this is just a survey, so it's likely that most if not all of these idea will never be released as actual expansions.

The Sims 4 was released on September 2. GameSpot gave it a 6/10 in its review for its colorful visuals and accessible building and buying tools. Be sure to read the full review and check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

Which of these expansions are you most interested in? Let us know in the comments below.

Emanuel Maiberg is a freelance writer. You can follow him on Twitter @emanuelmaiberg.

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