Video Premiere: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Ray Dalton, ‘Can’t Hold Us’


Macklemore and Ryan Lewis go H.A.M. in their "Can't Hold Us" video.

Now that we've had a minute to digest Macklemore & Ryan Lewis's ­­high-octane, stamina-for-days performance at the 2013 MTV Movie Awards, we're obviously MORE than primed to take in the rap/producer duo's official "Can't Hold Us" video. The third single off their full-length debut, The Heist, "Can't Hold Us" is the type of pop-rap anthem that could (and does) fill stadiums, so creating a video to do it justice is what one might deem a staggering task. But nothing's too grand for Macklemore and his better musical half: Spilling over with everything from pirate ships to camels, the tundra, skydiving and even the Seattle Space Needle, "Can't Hold Us" is a cinematic clip that's every bit as look-at-me epic as its accompanying track. Are we sure M&R shouldn't rename their song "All Around The World"? Because that's what it is.

Watch Macklemore and Ryan Lewis "Can't Hold Us" video featuring Ray Dalton after the jump.

The focus of "Can't Hold Us" is the Heist flag, a symbol of Mack and Ryan's fast-growing movement. The dudes enlist their supa-talented trumpeter Owuor Arunga and the enchanting R&B/gospel singer Ray Dalton to help them carry the flag in a relay of Olympic-torch proportions. The flag travels through the tundra, the desert, the ocean, and of course, a massive party on a pirate ship (we see you, Sharkface Gang!), before a skydiving Macklemore places it firmly atop the Space Needle in the dudes' hometown of Seattle. Oh, and let's not leave out the camel (s/o to Matchbox 20's "Real World" video?) and Macklemore moonlighting as a barber. Basically there's just TOO MUCH TO UNPACK in M&R's six-minute clip. Never call these guys underachievers.

+ Watch Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' "Can't Hold Us" video featuring Ray Dalton.

+ Watch Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' "Can't Hold Us" performance at the 2013 MTV Movie Awards.

Photo credit: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

Filed under: Music


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