Video Premiere: The Lumineers, ‘Stubborn Love’

Watch The Lumineers "Stubborn Love" video.

The Lumineers leave their "Stubborn Love" video in the hands of an emotive little girl.

We first met Denver's foot-stomping folk-rock outfit The Lumineers face-to-face in their taupe-colored "Ho Hey" video. Now, in the Grammy-nominated trio's latest clip, for "Stubborn Love" (a slow-building track from their 2012 self-titled album), Wesley Schultz, Jeremiah Fraites, and Neyla Pekarek are barely visible, choosing instead to feature an expressive little girl.

Watch The Lumineers' "Stubborn Love" video after the jump.

In "Stubborn Love," things literally go from dark and stormy to bright and sunny as The Lumineers' heroine emotionally digests her parents' split. "It’s better to feel pain than nothing at all/ The opposite of love is indifference," Schultz cries as mom and daughter drive off. We don't need to clutch the tissue box for too long, thank God, because the Lumineers' cello-soaked drums push their way to the surface as "Stubborn Love"'s blonde child star unleashes a sunny smile as the scenery shifts from gray to light through her window.

Despite their on-camera absence in "Stubborn Love" (save for ONE poignant glance), The Lumineers take center stage with a powerful series of "oooh-ooohs" (innocently shouted back to us by the video's adorable protagonist). That seems to be the band's MO -- use a few instruments to create a big sound, say a lot with only a few words; heck, the band doesn't even need face time in their own video to make a lasting impression.

The Lumineers self-titled LP dropped in April via Dualtone Music Group -- watch "Stubborn Love" below.

+ Watch The Lumineers' "Stubborn Love" video.

Photo credit: Dualtone Music Group

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