Demi Lovato shares the sweetest thank-you for her fans.
Imagine if Demi Lovato wrote handwritten letters to every fan -- she has 6 million followers on Twitter alone! But the daunting task of keeping in touch with all of her Lovatics doesn't stop her from reaching out. That's what technology is for, guys! Instead, Demi creates video letters and shares them on YouTube, and the newest installment includes the sweetest thank-you note to her fans.
Watch Demi Lovato's "A Letter To My Fans About 'Give Your Heart A Break'" after the jump.
Demi uploaded a new video -- "A Letter To My Fans About 'Give Your Heart A Break'" -- and it doesn't feature any onscreen time of Demi. With Demi's "Give Your Heart A Break" as the soundtrack, images of winding roads, beaches and sunsets flip through while the singer's voice narrates seriously introspective thoughts about her life and music: "19 years old. It's not old. It's not even close. But sometimes it feels like during that brief time that I've been alive, that I've lived through more emotions than someone twice my age."
The clip ends with a heartfelt "Thank you" and a dedication of "Give Your Heart A Break" to her fans. Demi's been through a lot (have you seen her "Stay Strong" documentary?), and she believes it's her devoted fans who have helped get her through it. This video's the BEST note we've ever received -- we're also happy she was able to save cash on postage.
+ Watch Demi Lovato's "A Letter To My Fans About 'Give Your Heart A Break.'"