Watch One Direction’s ‘Kiss You’ Lyric Video

If you close your eyes, and pretend really hard, you can imagine 1D is singing this song to you.

As you well know by now, there's basically nothing better than being allowed (as in encouraged and sanctioned!) to gawk at One Direction. Photo shoots (especially ones with puppies!), music videos, live performances are all examples of safe ways to gawk, which is why you can imagine our immense disappointment to discover that One Direction's "Kiss You" lyric video was just that -- lyrics! No pics, no clips, no inflatable bananas, and no opportunities to openly gawk and gape.

Watch One Direction's "Kiss You" lyric video after the jump.

As crestfallen as we were to have zero hard-earned looks at One Direction, we do have to hand it to the 1D bros because "Kiss You" is about as catchy as ringworm. And, if rumors are true that the official One Direction "Kiss You" video features shirtless surfing scenes, motorcycle shenanigans, dressing like Elvis (?) then Directioners are gonna lose their collective minds. Actually, maybe it was better to just have lyrics in this lyric video -- keep things under control until absolute mayhem sets in.

+ Watch One Direction's "Kiss You" lyric video, and enjoy two of our favorite phrases from the song.

Why yes, One Direction, we do want to do these things. How did you know?

Photo credit: Sony

Filed under: Music


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