Westworld Season 3: Why You Should Actually Watch Devs Instead

Let's clear the air for a second: Season 3 of HBO's Westworld is actually pretty fun. Last Sunday, Episode 5, "Genre," treated us to what could rightfully be considered shark-jumping. Aaron Paul's Caleb was dosed with a drug that made his perception of reality shift between different movie genres, complete with bombastic soundtrack changes. There was a brief Trainspotting nod. For a moment, he thought he and Dolores were in a melodramatic romance. It was all very silly, but ultimately a good time.

The problem, if it can be called a problem, is that Westworld is now a very, very different show than it was back in Season 1, when it was laser-focused on the deadly serious, gut-wrenching plight of hosts suffering at the hands of their human creators and tormenters. Westworld was a show about free will and humanity, one that used drama, humor, and violence to raise complex questions and suggest intelligent, nuanced answers. Now, it's a show where Flight of the Valkyrie plays Apocalypse Now-style as Aaron Paul blows up futuristic cars with a rocket launcher.

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