How To Play Among Us As A Horror Game

I usually try to hop on Among Us once a week to link up with my friends back home and get rowdy either trying to get away with virtual murder or ratting each other out. But they like to keep things spicy. So, they put together a sort of alternate game mode by customizing the in-game rules and getting us to follow certain gameplay etiquette. And with the vewy scawy Halloween season right around the corner, this makeshift game mode is quite fitting and helps freshen up the traditional paces of Among Us.

Basically, think Dead By Daylight, or any similar game, but in Among Us. Here's the setup: you have one imposter and nine (or however many) crewmates, but the imposter announces who they are right at the beginning of the match. The imposter counts to 10 while the crewmates scramble to get out of sight, complete tasks, hide, and make mad dashes to dodge the imposter once they start hunting down the crew--there's no voting phase necessary, just survival.

What makes this style of play work is the tweaking of the custom rules. Here, you'll want to have the imposter's kill cooldown timer set to the lowest possible (10 seconds) so they can really act like a serial killer. However, you'll have to limit their vision range as low as possible (0.25x) to make it challenging for them to actually find crewmates. To make things a lot more thrilling, we set all players' movement speed higher (at least 2x, but 3x works too).

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